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GoLite sales director Kevin Volz visited Vaught around Halloween and admits that he left feeling a bit discouraged and surprised that Vaught hadn't been carrying much in the way of water or hero healthy food. Volz also realized that Vaught hadn't really modified his eating habits hero and was often eating junk food from convenience stores or restaurants along the route. "He was eating the worst hero foods," Volz said. But Volz's visit triggered a momentous change both in attitude and behavior for Vaught. Not only did he pick up his walking pace somewhere around Amarillo, Texas, he realized that he "had to learn to eat better" and lose weight gradually. "I put the weight on slowly. I have to lose it steadily, so I can keep it off," he said. "I don't want all this effort to go to nothing." CONTINUED: Slow pace, fast Web following ... Page 1 | 2 TalkBack E-mail Print Read more on this story's topics and companies Add to My News | Create an alert Music Add to My News | Create an alert Music devices Add to My News | Create an alert MP3 players Add to My News | Create an alert North America Add to My News | Create an alert Internet Add to My News | Create an alert Web sites TrackBack See links from elsewhere to this story.