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And if not, where does the blame for the discontent lie? Was Tocqueville right? Do we get the leaders we deserve? Indeed, according to Germond, the politicians aren’t the only ones to blame, or even the sextoys chief culprits. He describes how he and his colleagues in the news media sextoys have been guilty of dumbing-down the political process–and how the voters are too apathetic to demand better coverage and better results. Instead, they simply turn away and too often end up enduring third-rate presidents.This no-sacred-cows manifesto faces the problems many are sextoys reluctant to address:• Polls and how they are used and abused by politicians and press to mislead gullible voters.• The critical failure of the press to accurately portray figures in the political realm, from Eugene McCarthy to Barbara Bush to Al Sharpton.• How the complaints about liberal bias in the press miss the real point: whether that bias, if it exists, colors the way editors and reporters work.•