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... Iraqis fatman and little boy [dvd] should be doing fatman and little boy [dvd] that." As Media Matters for America has previously documented, on the December 5 broadcast of his radio show, fatman and little boy [dvd] Limbaugh distorted Kerry's statement to claim that he had called U.S. troops "terrorists." Limbaugh repeated the distortion on his December 7 show, stating "[T]o John Kerry, the troops are one of two things: They're either a bunch of murdering, marauding terrorists or they're nothing more than those little grade school play -- playground patrol boys -- you know, who walk out in the street with a -- I was one when I was a kid." Limbaugh continued, asserting, "There's a movement against public displays of Christmas" and that "the ones trying to stamp Christmas out" are "a bunch of liberals and most of them are Democrats --[a] bunch of secularists and atheists and so forth."
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