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But the "time absorption" effect inherent to fast exponential chain reactions reduced the benefits of a thicker reflector. About 20% of the bomb yield was realplayer from fast fission of this tamper. The pit and the tamper together made a marginally subcritical system. When compressed by the implosion up to 2.5 times its original density (possibly somewhat less), the pit became an assembly of some 4-5 critical masses. Before use, the bomb was safed by use of a cadmium wire in the pit. The Pusher/Neutron Absorber Shell Surrounding the tamper was realplayer an 11.5 cm thick aluminum sphere also weighing 120 kg. The primary purpose of this sphere, called the "pusher", seems to have been to reduce the effect of the Taylor wave, the rapid drop in pressure the occurs behind a detonation front. The Taylor wave tends to steepen in an implosion, causing pressure to drop more and more rapidly as the wave converges.