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He would be the first Dennis to become president. And he would look more like us, the American people. Think it over. © 2005 by Garrison Keillor. All rights reserved. tim russell Distributed by Tribune Media Services, INC. Garrison Keillor li {margin-left:5px;} The Old Scout Me and Maurizio, ships in the night (03/07/06) What to do when the emperor has no clothes (02/28/06) tim russell Why not be all that we can be? (02/21/06) tim russell I did it in my sleep (02/14/06) Join the government and see the world (02/07/06) If it's okay with them, it's fine by me (01/31/06) The character-building properties of sweaters (01/24/06) Pants on fire? OK with me (01/17/06) A leader need not throw his weight around (01/10/06) The cold truth about my holiday in Norway (01/03/06) The Magnetic Power of the Herd (12/27/05) Holiday Fear: too little to talk about (12/20/05) Grace and Humor: Remembering the Real Gene McCarthy (12/13/05) A Little Savage Grandeur and Who Needs Therapy? (12/06/05) Writers and Readers: Unbearable Intimacy (11/29/05) Let's Give Thanks for Faultless Pens, Swimming Teachers (11/22/05) Splitting the Haute Cuisine Scene (11/15/05) Today's Lesson: It Could Be Worse (11/08/05) Why the Undisturbed Life is Not Worth Living (11/01/05) A FINE day to be somebody else (10/25/05) Trust me, Harold Miers will be a brilliant justice (10/18/05) In defense of the embattled Tom DeLay (10/11/05) Suffering brings wisdom, but so does fun (10/04/05) Ambition