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He was glad I'd come in--he had wanted to get a good look at Cousin Ernie, maybe a photo, and didn't know how to reach united states me. We talked slowly and appreciatively about guitars for a while--I told him all about united states Tennessee Ernie Ford and Mac Yasuda. I went home and got the guitar, came back, opened the case--now remember this was, like, a Thursday afternoon--and into the empty store united states walked a Japanese guy, followed by two guys carrying briefcases. He pointed at the guitar in the case, and said, very deadpan, "Cousin Ernie. I know this guitar. It's not real." "You know this guitar?" "Yes. I once paid $28,000 for this guitar. It's not real. I didn't take delivery." He turned to go. "Wait! Can I have a card? I might want to get more information on the history of this guitar." He scrawled his name and number on a piece of paper.