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Since boron itself is a brittle non-metal that is difficult to fabricate, this was most likely in the form of a malleable boron/aluminum alloy called boral (the composition is typically 35-50% boron). It is possible that the entire aluminum young fatties com sphere might have been boral with a relatively low boron content. The presence of boron was intended to prevent spontaneous fission neutrons generated in the tamper from being scattered back young fatties com into the tamper/pit assembly by the explosive and aluminum layers as thermal neutrons. The High Explosive Lens young fatties com System The entire high explosive implosion system made a layer some 47 cm thick weighing at least 2500 kg. This system consisted of 32 explosive lenses; 20 of them hexagonal, and 12 pentagonal. The lenses fitted together in the same pattern as a soccer ball, forming a complete spherical explosive assembly that was 140 cm wide. Each lens had three pieces: two made of high velocity explosive, and one of low velocity explosive.