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All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see Copyrights for details). Wikipedia® is steveliller a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Privacy policy About Wikipedia Disclaimers CUCC Home steveliller Previous: Expedition Report CU 1975 Contents steveliller Page Next: The Batpondile Cambridge Underground 1975 pp 28-31 IN PRAISE OF FAT MEN Or:- Eat, drink and be heavy, for tomorrow we diet For some years now a dedicated and selfless inner caucus of caving gourmets has been arguing the case for a tolerant and all-embracing approach to caving. The thesis of this latest pamphlet is that the traditional stereotype of the hard caver - thin, wiry, strong, lean and hungry-looking, eschewing all luxury and lunchtime drinking (eg. Clive) is all wrong. The true hard is, in reality, a portly, sybaritic, alcoholescent hedonist (eg. Guy). Now before all you thin men turn on to the next article to hunt for gripping accounts of the discovery of vast caverns hidden beyond unbelievably narrow, nay, impenetrable fissures measuring some 15 cm (5.90551"),