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A new voice in British SF.' Zoe Strachan: Spin Cycle "A photo gripping novel, full of twisted pyschology and dark, covert obsessions; both murky and dazzling" - Uncut: Click here Going Underground Fat Man On photo The Left Lionel Rolfe Lewis Owens Despite the title, Lionel Rolfe is far photo more than simply an overweight Lefty. Journalist, author, musician, he is a self-confessed Californian bohemian. Indeed, Fat Man On The Left effectively captures the pulsating and often contradictory atmosphere of his Los Angeles hometown: chaotic, sometimes self-indulgent, but ultimately alive, exhilarating and highly attractive. As the subtitle suggests, this work is a collection of essays that describes four decades of his experiences, perceptions and interpretations of American society, culture and politics. The political "underground" is naturally a dark, unknown and neglected abode, but Rolfe is a master of telling those intriguing stories that only a writer living in the underground could discover.