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I suspect it's because just about anything related to fat in any way, showing how "rampant" it is, will make the cut. I'm ashamed to see archive this in print, frankly. archive It's sad. [Thanks, Emily!] Posted on March 02, 2005 in Fat and Men. 12 comments. Sperm and BMI Emily and Jeannine sent in articles about a rather fascinating study. archive It looked at sperm quality in men who had high and low BMIs, and fertility in women with high and low BMIs (of course, "high" and "low" being quite subjective. Anyway.) They found that men with low BMIs had a big drop-off in sperm count and concentration compared to "at weight" men. But that doesn't sell, so instead the article harps on overweight men. Their sperm count and concentration was lower than at weight men, too, but the underweight men were all about the lowest numbers: Sperm counts and sperm concentration were 28.1 percent and 36.4 percent lower respectively in underweight men. The same measures were 21.6 percent and 23.9 percent lower respectively in overweight men.