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I once saw a bumper sticker that read: Just one nuclear joe mcdermott bomb can ruin your whole day. joe mcdermott It reminded me of another night in joe mcdermott the mine, later that winter. The shift boss had ordered me to go down to the bottom and check on the pumps. The 800-foot level wasn't the actual bottom; it was just as far down as the company wanted to drain the mine, located under Great Bear Lake and steadily filling with water through hundreds of thousands of fissures. A pumping station had been built a quarter mile from the shaft, and the pumps had to be visually inspected every so many hours. I got out of the cage at 800 and started to walk towards the pumping station. Partway along the narrow tunnel a gigantic exhaust fan was mounted, and it always gave off a particularly nasty scream: I'd been there before, and always found it very disturbing to walk past that screaming fan.