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I think that anyone with the guts to even try to get something called "Project Bar-B-Q" past the "keeper of the budget" deserves to go. Some of these bean counters can be brutal. MC: If you won't have to then kill me, can you tell me about any naked fatties current and particularly intriguing game projects you’re naked fatties working on? FM: I can’t say why, but things that seem to be coming my way are generally seeming to naked fatties be of a very positive nature. I just did some audio for Zform.com who is making games for blind people to play head-to-head with sighted people. I’ve been doing a lot of slot machines for Indian territory. They tell me that my game Meltdown is the hottest money-maker in that market, and it’s because of the sound!!! I’m real pleased to be involved in that. My mother, who teaches sometimes on reservations, tells me that these casinos are vastly improving the lives of the people there.
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