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Sound vocational guidance familiar? But he hardly spares the American public his ire. We are ignorant and wilfully so. We get the politicians vocational guidance we deserve and always have the power to speak up and make ourselves heard. . . but we don't. vocational guidance Ralph Nader has said many times that if Americans paid nearly as much attention to political and public policy discussions as they do their favorite sports teams we would be a far more literate and involved politic. Maybe so, but one walks away from Germond's work with the sense that there is something natural about our growing apathy. We are moving toward a state of indifference where only fear (or some other extreme emotion) can rouse us from our torpor. This is hinted at in Germond's discussion of the election of 1992. The voters elected Bill Clinton to reform the country and were very concerned about the direction the nation was headed. They paid attention to policy questions on the economy and when they found President Bush lacking in answers, they made it clear that his apparent lassitude on matters of the hearth was intolerable.