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The State Council immediately took bbw videos up two questions: (1) bbw videos How to bbw videos stop the fattening of the Fat Men, and [2] How to put down the rebellion. On the first question the Council decided that dance was the answer and the dance teacher was to be summoned immediately. It was then that they heard the commotion in the menagerie. A big crowd rushes to the menagerie to see what's the matter, but as soon as they get there, they turn around and flee the other way in terror because of what they see: A gigantic, red-headed man in a torn jacket. It is Prospero. In one hand he holds the iron leash of a snarling panther. On his other arm sits Suok. Prospero then releases the panther. He and Suok pick up pistols which were dropped by fleeing guardsmen. They then climb in through the window of the pastry kitchen--the same window which the Balloon Seller had drifted through. "Hands up!" shouts Prospero. All the cooks and kitchen workers immediately obey, dropping pots of compote and syrup.
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