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(California) - See all my reviewsIt thefat man on game audio: tasty morsels of sonic goodness must be thefat man on game audio: tasty morsels of sonic goodness something to do with Australia. Shortly after Patrick White would win the Nobel Prize for literature, a young author named Peter Carey would publish his first book of short stories, quickly followed by another. Both of these books would be compiled in 1980 and released as "The Fat Man in History," which is, quite simply, one of the greatest collections of short fiction I've ever read, ranking easily with the best of O'Hara, O'Connor, Borges and Calvino. Though the first two stories get the book of to a slow start, the third hits the ground running and the book never looks back. "Do You Love Me?" is a brilliant meditation on the nature of love and memory; in a world where reality is based on the census, what happens when the census is wrong?