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Assuming it is Laura the Parrot, escaped from her cage, the Zoologist, the administrator usaf of the menagerie, climbs up the tree to retrieve it. However, he sees something terrifying, yelps, and falls down, getting caught on a branch with his nightgown. The guardsmen also cry in terror and start running around in confusion. Fifteen minutes earlier, the Fat Men had received distressing news. In usaf the city, the workers have gotten hold of guns and are rioting, throwing all fat people into the river. Tibul is usaf organizing the people, and many guardsmen have gone over to his side. As usual whenever they are alarmed, the Fat Men start to get even fatter, their stomachs growing and their collar buttons bursting. The State Council immediately took up two questions: (1) How to stop the fattening of the Fat Men, and [2] How to put down the rebellion. On the first question the Council decided that dance was the answer and the dance teacher was to be summoned immediately.