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What doctors don't know about fat people and sex could fill an encyclopedia. I testify from experience. It is frightening to be asked, by a man with eight diplomas on his wall, if you have ever "achieved penetration" with your wife. In an effort to dispel such ignorance, I've undertaken an exhaustive search of the literature on fat sex. I find that those authorities who have pics of fatties taken the trouble to investigate the matter report that obesity is rarely, if ever, a barrier to intercourse. Fat is never stored in the penis, nor does it choke off access to the ovaries (as Hippocrates taught, and generations of physicians believed). In fact, the human body is remarkably well-designed for storing fat in large quantities. Mother Nature keeps fat away from the vital and sensory organs, away from the joints, and away from the genitals. "To put it bluntly and squarely, no woman is so fat that her vagina is inaccessible," states Marvin Grosswirth in Fat Pride, adding: The only report I had of an unsuccessful attempt at intercourse came from one of my informants who went to bed with a man who was as fat as she was.