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The planet of Limbaugh. Third rock from nutjob. - deeznuts / Friday December 9, 2005 04:56:04 PM EST - Reply to this comment / Flag this daily comment Christmas is still two weeks away Limbaugh thinks that Democrats should shut up about the issues for all of December because it's Christmas time. Then after Christmas is over, he will go back to telling Democrats to daily shut up again because we are at war. And if the war ends soon, then he will tell Democrats to shut up because Republicans are in power. If shutting up daily is so important during Christmas, why don't Republican talk shows go on hiatus from the day after Thanksgiving until December 26? Don't supposedly Democrats and Republicans all need a time of "reflection" and being "thankful" during Christmas time and not talk about the issues as Limbaugh and the caller asserted? - skiploader1111 / Sunday December 11, 2005 12:12:29 AM EST - Reply to this comment / Flag this comment 1 - 20 | Post a new comment You must be a registered user to post and flag comments on this site.