Ultrasound (ultrasonography). This noninvasive fat ass girls hepatomegaly

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Ultrasound (ultrasonography). This noninvasive test uses sound waves to produce a picture hepatomegaly of internal organs, including the liver. Abdominal ultrasound is painless and usually takes less than 30 minutes. While you lie on a bed or examining table, a technician applies a conductive gel to your abdomen and places a hand-held device (transducer) on the area, moving the transducer along your skin to locate the liver and adjacent organs. The transducer emits sound waves that are reflected from your liver and transformed into a computer-generated image. Computerized tomography (CT). hepatomegaly This test hepatomegaly uses X-rays to produce cross-sectional images of your body. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Instead of X-rays, MRI creates images using a magnetic field and radio waves. Sometimes a contrast dye also may be used. The test can take from 15 minutes to an hour. You may find an MRI scan to be more uncomfortable than a CT scan. That's because you'll likely be reclining on a stretcher enclosed in a tube with very little space above you or on either side.
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